10 Easy And Effective Ways To Save Your Scratched Eyeglasses

Simple, just spray a little of the wood polish on the lenses, take the Vaseline, and wipe its surface to get rid of everything forbidding you to see the world clearly. However, these two items may not fix it completely, but it will make them a lot less noticeable.

Fixing the glasses with plastic lenses: Wax

©Home Hacks

The plastic lenses are a lot more different than other glasses, but fixing their scratches could be a lot easier. You thought that what we have mentioned before is great, well, you got to check out what items can fix these lenses.

Take your glasses and rub its lenses with wax till you notice that all damages are gone. If anything remains on it that may cause a little annoyance while wearing them, then you should clean them off with a piece of cotton or a soft cloth. Just make sure to be too harsh in order not to add other scratches that might be harder to get rid of.

Dishwashing liquid


Yes, the one we use to wash our dirty dishes in the kitchen, the dishwashing liquid can actually get rid of scratches on glasses with plastic lenses. It is actually a real life-saver, whether when it comes to your eyes or to your bank account.

Simply, put a little liquid, wipe it as you would usually do, and you will see how all the scratches, scuffs, and small spots will smoothly disappear. Don’t forget to rinse it with water, and then removing the residue with a clean and soft tissue.

Clear nail polish

©How to Clean Things

If you are a woman, then you know this process will be a piece of cake, but if you are a man, then you would finally understand the difficulty of applying nail polish on things.

This method requires a delicate hand and accuracy. Here is what you need to do: dip a wooden toothpick smoothly and slightly onto the lacquer, and then apply it to the lenses. Your hand has to be steady in order not to create a mess.

Also, you have to keep in mind that the lacquer should not be thick, or it will dry out before you spread it evenly on the surface. Don’t touch till the polish is completely and perfectly dry!

Tooth powder

©Eyes in Frames

For someone who is used to usual toothpaste, the tooth powder may not be an important item on their homes, but when you know its benefits for the glasses (and the teeth), then you may change your mind.

You can simply dilute a small amount of the powder in a little water, mix it till it has a consistency of paste. Apply to the damaged lenses, and don’t wait less than 20 minutes.

With a microfiber tissue, you can remove the paste gently, and voila. It is wonderful how we can use things in favor of our personal issue and get great results out of it.

Baking soda and vinegar


The final combination we have for you is vinegar and baking soda, and it will work like a charm if you have only small scratches.

Take only one teaspoon of vinegar and one tablespoon of baking soda. Mix it well and add them to the damaged surface. You can then rinse with water and wipe it all with soft tissue. You will notice the difference immediately after cleaning it up.

With all these great methods, you could easily say goodbye to the annoying scratches and to the expensive specialists as well, dealing with the glasses alone is annoying enough. Don’t forget to be careful after getting rid of the scratches to not end up damaging them again.


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