9 Steps You Can Take To Detox Your Home!

Last Updated on January 7, 2020

When trying to find out how to detox your home naturally, switching regular pesticides for natural pesticides is one of the ways to do it.

To avoid plagues like ants, simply keep your counters clean or plug holes on your wall; you can also kill them with water.

For other pests that might concern you because there is a chance they will bring diseases – like fleas or rats – the best way is to call a professional to fumigate your home and air right after.

#6 – Know The Plastics You Are Using

You have to be extra careful about plastic containers because some of them can leak a chemical by the name of bisphenol-A, and this chemical can mess up our hormones, and it can also be associated with heart disease and obesity.

If you see a plastic container that is marked with a 7, leave it there. Plus, never put containers that have bisphenol-A in the dishwasher or the microwave, because the particles will leak easily when subjected to heat. In doubt, try to purchase glass containers.

#7 – Natural Cleaners? DIY

It can’t even be considered a DIY adventure because there is so much information available that it is kind of shameful that you aren’t already making your own cleaner.

In any grocery store you can find washing soda, so just mix half a tablespoon with 1 teaspoon of natural liquid dish soap and 2 cups of hot water. Put it in a spray bottle and enjoy green-cleaning your home.

#8 – Adjust The Way You Dust

If you use sprays to clean the dust, you will just be adding to your chemical load; if, on the other hand, you use feathers, you will kick up the dust and this may lead to allergies.

So, what is the alternative? Using a dry, unscented microfiber cloth. This way you will be able to attract the little dust particles instead of simply spreading them around.

#9 – Improve Indoor Air Quality Naturally

Sure, you could go with an air purifier, but how can you improve indoor air quality and, at the same time, cover the question of how to make your house smell good? Make your house green, literally. Just buy plants and let them do the green job.

Plants that improve air quality indoors will bring great health benefits for you and anyone who lives with you, plus your home will look cute and smell nice, so really, what more could you possibly want?


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