Here Are The Things You Do That Are Ruining Your Clothes

Many times when we spill things on our clothes, we tend to rub or wipe it! It is our first reaction to the situation, believing that wiping it will help getting rid of the stain faster. People also tend to heat it up but it does nothing but making the stain sink further into the fibers.

The right way to do it is by putting a paper towel or a cloth in cool water, then dap the stain gently till it is completely removed. To make sure the stains would completely be gone, try to wash the outfit as soon as you can in order for it to not get more stuck to the fabric.

Not washing the clothes before storing

©The Independent

Winter is gone and it is time to put all those heavy sweaters away, but wait… If you are going to store them without washing them first, then you might be making a mistake.

When you store them while they are still clean, you would be preventing the damages that can occur from moths. Plus, when you need to wear them again in a few months, you will still find them as clean as you need them to be.

It is understandable the laziness you will feel when you know you don’t need to wash them since you are going to hide them, but trust us, your future self in the next season will be grateful of your today’s decisions!

Adding fabric softener on exercise clothes

©Laundry Care

Your workout outfits are technically made of moisture-wicking fabrics, which are the outfits that should not be touched by fabric softeners. The latter would always leave a residue that can cancel those moisture-wicking properties.

You will notice that you are experiencing more sweat than usual during your workouts, and the worst part is the stubborn and permanent odors that will make you hate wearing them again. Yikes!

Instead of the fabric softener, you can simply use vinegar. It softens the fabrics without leaving any residues behind. Add only ½ cup of white vinegar to the fabric softener dispenser or to the rinse directly.

Too much detergent


Speaking of residue, when you add too much detergent to your laundry, then expect to find residues on your clothing items. The too much detergent can’t obviously be all rinsed out, so some of it will get stuck to the fibers of your outfits. With time, that residue will lead your clothes to get dingier and dirtier.

Simply, you can read the label on your product and understand the amount you need to use depending on the load size, washing machine, and the soil level. Don’t worry, it will still get rid of all the dirt even if you know that your laundry needs more.

Not understanding the laundry symbols


All of your clothing items have these tags with the weirdest symbols that don’t really mean anything, or do they?

There is always a reason for things to be put on all of the items, and those strange symbols are there to show you how to wash them. Once you are capable to read the codes, you will understand how to take care of your clothes perfectly.

This is why you need to stop ignoring those symbols and try to understand them so you can protect the fabric and allow your clothes to stay with for longer periods.


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