The 10 Unexpected Uses Of Tea Bags That Will Change Your Life

Soothing dark circles and tired eyes


It seems like stress and late nights are leaving a sign around your eyes, even the sunglasses are not enough to hide your exhaustion from the world.

The best thing to do is drink a warm cup of tea to get your energy back up, and then soak a few tea bags in warm water, squeeze the extra moisture out, and then put them on your closed eyes for twenty minutes. The tea contains tannins that can refresh tired eyes and relieve the puffiness.

Dealing with boils

©99% Invisible

Boils are those skin infections that start in an oil gland or hair follicle that turns the skin red and then develops an annoying lump. Sometimes, these boils appear in places where nothing should be allowed to look ugly, and that’s why we need the beautiful magic of tea.

When you apply a moist tea bag on a boil, the process of healing will be a lot faster. Tea contains antibacterial properties that fight infections, relieve pain, and reduce inflammation easily. Next time you notice a formation of a boil, make some tea!

Sprucing your house up!

©Swanson Vitamins

Tea bags are not helpful with our bodies and skin condition only, but with the housekeeping, too. If you want to make your mirrors and windows spotless, you can use one wet tea bag and all the dirt and fingerprints will be completely gone.

Also, black tea can help make your wooden furniture shine since it can add color to it. Simply, get a wet tea bag and wipe all your tables and chairs down.

There is one other thing that tea bags can do and it is absorbing odors from your fridge. By leaving a few tea bags in the refrigerator, all of the nasty smells will be gone!

Feed your garden


Many people have gardens that they want to see growing and blossoming, but it is not easy work since it needs a lot of care.

One of the ways that will help your garden grow is by tossing some used tea bags around shrubs and perennials, or into your compost piles to give them a quick nutrient boost.

Basically, the tea will soon decompose and release needed nitrogen that can help your plants grow. Your flowering plants need a lot of nutrients to blossom, so be sure they will appreciate the nutrients.

Toning your skin


If you are seeking a mild astringent skin toner, stop going to the stores and head to your kitchen. The tannins in tea can react with the proteins, and therefore, tighten all of your skin pores. So technically, a moist tea bag is a cheap and effective remedy that would make your face glowing.

In order to refresh your skin more and help it fight against any inflammation, then you should mix peppermint with green tea for great results. Basically, a wet tea bag with these two herbs can work as a cooling, protective, and soothing toner, especially in summer.


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