10 Of The Most Effective Hacks That Will Help You Get Rid Of All Types Of Scars

Last Updated on February 7, 2019



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You have always heard that applying sunscreen and protecting your skin from aggressive ultraviolet rays is one of the best ways to speed up the healing of scars and helping your skin stay young and healthy.

Therefore, don’t think twice and always apply sunscreen before you step out of the house. Still not convinced? Exposing your unprotected skin to UV rays can increase your chances of developing skin cancer, increase the appearance of dark spots, and discoloration.

Hence, not wearing your sunscreen is definitely not a good idea. Make sure you apply it everytime you are planning to go out and also make sure that you use a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or even higher. Sunscreen is best used for :

– All types of scars especially those caused by acne.



Onion Extract

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Onions are healthy food items that are characterized by their anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties. Therefore, they are not only good to ingest but also very effective when it comes to healing your scars, especially, burn scars and others resulted for surgical wounds.

That’s not everything as onion extract can be also used to hydrate and soften the scarred tissue without causing any undesirable effects. For better results, try to apply it 3 times on a daily basis during the early postsurgical period. Onion extract is best used for :

– Burn scars.

– Hypertrophic scars.


Honey+ Apple Cider Vinegar

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While honey is known for its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, apple cider vinegar is a natural astringent and disinfectant. So, mixing these two means creating a magical mixture that is capable of healing even the oldest acne scars that shake your self-confidence.

It’s true that this mixture won’t make these scars disappear forever, but it can significantly reduce their visibility and make them hardly noticeable. Apply the mixture on the affected skin, leave for about 10 minutes, and then wash off. This magical mixture is best used for :

– Acne marks.



Olive oil and coconut oil

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Natural plant oils have long been known and used for their great therapeutic effects and properties. Some good oils to consider when healing acne scars are olive oil and coconut oil. While the latter for instance contains capric acids, acrylic, and lauric, which can significantly heal your scarred and damaged skin and stimulate the production of collagen.

The former, namely, olive oil, is highly rich in essential and vital vitamins that speed up the healing process of scars, nourish your skin, and keep it well-hydrated.

To benefit from all these amazing properties, try to massage the oils into your skin for about 5 to 10 minutes until you are satisfied with the results. Natural plant oils are best used for :

– Acne scars.


Vitamin C

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This might seem quite surprising but yes, unlike the common belief, vitamin E is not as effective as vitamin C when it comes to improving the quality of your skin and healing the scarred tissue.

In fact, vitamin C can boost the production of collagen, which will automatically improve your skin elasticity, promotes wound healing, and even reduce redness. For remarkable results, try to include more vitamin C in your daily diet and at the same time use creams that are rich in vitamin C. The vitamin C is best used for :

– Acne scars.
– Surgical Scars.



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