Here Are 10 Ways You Can Improve Your Garden Soil

Last Updated on October 14, 2019

To avoid this, you can use newspaper to control weeds instead of landscaping fabric. You can also use the permeable biodegradable material as the latter will eventually decompose and add many healthy nutrients to the soil.

#6 – Improve Ventilation

Improve Ventilation

© Alamy

It is important that your soil has proper ventilation. Otherwise, your compacted garden soil will prevent the root growth and deprive them of oxygen.

However, to avoid the compaction of the soil, you need to stir your soil at least once a year before planting using a fork or tiller. By doing this, you will be indirectly improving water drainage around the roots of your plants.

#7 – Avoid Walking On Soil

Avoid Walking On Soil

© Bob Vila

Yes, you read it right! Walking on soil with heavy footsteps can lead to soil compaction. Therefore, you should make sure you create a walking path through your beds. This will not only protect the soil around plants from compaction but will also ensure a proper root growth and water flow.

#8 – Avoid Broad-Spectrum Pesticides

Avoid Broad-Spectrum Pesticides

© Bob Vila

We fully understand that grubs and insects can take a toll on your garden, but fighting them using broad-spectrum pesticides is definitely not the best choice to make!

It’s is important that you know that pesticides won’t only kill the grubs and insects but will also kill everything around including the good guys, including, ladybugs and worms, which have a great role in protecting the soil and maintaining its balance.

#9 – Add The Right Amendments

Add The Right Amendments

© Pinterest

What you should understand is that different types of soil need different amendments. For instance, the amendments you need to use when you have an alkaline soil are not the same as the ones you’re going to use in case of an acidic soil.

In the former case, you need to add an amendment like peat moss in order to lower the pH while you should use an alkaline element like lime in the latter case in order to raise the pH.

Hence, in order to help your plants thrive, it is very important that you understand what amendments you need to add to your soil and how they will affect it.

#10 – Test The Soil

Test The Soil

© The Spruce

You cannot improve your soil and make it better and healthier if you don’t test it. You need to collect as much information as possible about your soil’s organic makeup so that you can choose the right practice or method to improve it.

Hence, don’t hesitate to purchase a soil testing kit. The latter is very affordable, easy to use, and can be found at most home improvement stores.


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