10 Awesome Uses For Sugar That You Need To Try Today

Last Updated on November 25, 2019

You can also mix equal parts of baking powder and sugar and sprinkle where you suspect bugs are hanging out to banish them all!

#6 – Feed the butterflies


Do you love butterflies? So why not feed them and give them a reason to come hang out more in your garden?

Simply, add one cup of water to one cup of sugar and allow it to boil. After it cools down, you can make the butterfly solution by mixing one tsp of the syrup and 3 ounces of water or Gatorade and 6 drops of soy sauce.

You will see around the most beautiful butterflies and they will be happy to fly around your garden – a win-win situation!

#7 – Eliminate cooking odors

©Cook Taste Eat

After cooking fish or any meal that you don’t want the odors to stick around for a long time, then burn some sugar in a pan, that’s right!

You should cook the sugar till it turns to medium-dark caramel color, and that will create a natural fragrance and your pan will technically be a natural air freshener. You can also add 1 tbsp sugar and 1 tbsp vinegar to the water before you cook a vegetable with the intense smell, like cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.

#8 – Clean your spice or coffee grinder


By pouring ¼ cup of sugar into the coffee/spice grinder, you will be cleaning it and getting rid of all the strong odors, just let it run for one minute and it will be set and ready to use again!

The sugar will break down and take care of all the excess oils that have been building up in your spice/coffee grinder over time. After that, you can simply dump out the sugar and wipe the grinder clean.

#9 – Better berries

©Best Health Magazine

If you love berries, then you obviously want them to be as fresh as possible before you eat them, but the problem is that berries get spoiled a little way too fast.
The solution?

For every cup of sliced berries, squeeze a lemon and stir with one teaspoon of sugar. Allow it to sit for 30 minutes, and then serve alone, on top of cakes, with whipped cream or ice cream, bread pudding, and more.

#10 – Vanilla sugar

©Food Hacks :: WonderHowTo

We saved the best for last: how to make vanilla sugar!

Simply, split a vanilla bean in half, put in a jar full of sugar, let it sit for one week, and now you have your own vanilla-infused sugar.

There are many things you can use it with: You can stir it into your tea, coffee or hot cocoa. Add it to your ice cream, sprinkle it on top of your muffins or cupcakes, or to decorate your holiday cookies with it.

If you have more creative uses for sugar, then don’t hesitate to leave in the comments section below!


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