10 Best Car Hacks That Will Help You Survive Winter

Last Updated on February 12, 2019

If the previous car hack doesn’t actually work, you can very simply DIY a de-icer at home. The latter won’t take much of your time and you will be able to DIY in no time. Besides, the ingredients are very affordable, which means that you won’t break the bank!

All you need to do is mix about three parts of vinegar with one part of water. Shake the mixture and then spray it all over your windshield. This way, you will prevent the ice from forming!


Increase Headlight Visibility

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© onegoodthing

It is extremely important to keep your car headlights in good condition in order to be able to improve the clarity of your lights and eventually increase the visibility of the road. While many stores sell kits, we strongly advise you to leave them aside and use a better alternative such as toothpaste.

This might seem a bit weird and surprising but it actually works. All you need to do is cover each light with toothpaste and then rinse off with warm water.



Headlight Protection

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© Tipsmag

For extra protection and clarity, you can use wax! Yes, you read it right! In fact, applying a layer of wax on your light after rinsing off the toothpaste will help protect your car headlights and prevent snow or even water from sticking to them for quite a long time! Give it a try and see how effective this can be!


Keep Your Car Clean

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© Auto Detail Kent

Your car requires more cleaning in winter than in the summer season. Hence, it is important that you regularly clean it from all the salt, dirt, and of course, don’t forget to de-ice it properly and neglect not the under-carriage!

However, it’s good to keep in mind that the excessive use of de-icing products can cause more harm than good to your car. Therefore, it is enough to run a lawn sprinkler right underneath the car on a warmer day, slide it under your vehicle, and start driving back and forth and watch miracles happening!



De-Ice Frozen Car Locks And Handles

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© Reader’s Digest

Fortunately, there are many brilliant ways to do so, including the following :

– To de-ice your car lock, it’s enough to heat your car keys with a lighter or a match and then slowly push the key inside the lock so that you melt the ice.

– You can also use your breath to melt the ice and to do so, you should very simply take a regular drinking straw and then directly blow onto your car ’s frozen lock!

– Don’t hesitate to rub your key or the door handle of your car with a squirt of hand sanitizer as the latter will work as good as the previous trick!



Keep The Doors Of Your Car From Freezing

car hacks  Foggy Windshields  winter driving experience  chalkboard eraser  fog  windshield defroster  de-icer  toothpaste  car headlights  de-icing products  defog the windows

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– Putting WD-40 right in the keyhole before the winter season starts is a good and a smart idea! The latter can prevent ice from forming in there!

– Your cooking spray can also help! Make sure you spray it in the cracks of your doors as well as on the rubber. The cooking spray will effectively prevent the water from resting in the cracks, which will eventually keep ice from forming!



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