10 DIY Tips To Make Grandparents Look Cool

Grandparents love family gatherings; they like to be around their sons and daughters as well as their grandchildren. Also, they are the happiest when a new family member is born.

However, sometimes when they are left alone with children, they have no idea what to do with them in terms of play time. This is where there is a need for DIY projects websites, which can provide them with several activities they can share with their grandchildren.

The benefits for grandparents raising grandchildren are numerous, kids keep them busy, fill them with energy, and provide fun and joyful companionship. So if you are a grandparent who has no clue how to entertain your grandchildren, this article has you covered.

We will provide you with easy home projects for kids that will certainly fill your time and make them happy. Moreover, it will help you bond more.


The Endless Canvas

©DIY Network

Among the most fun things to make with kids are paintings. Whether you are on a grandparent visitation or you are grandparents raising grandkids, always make sure to dedicate time to doodle with kids.

If you want to give kids a place to draw and paint without having doodles all over the house, make an endless canvas for them. First, put a frame picture on the wall and set a roll of butcher paper above it. This way you can feed the paper roll through the frame and replace the paper when it gets used up.

A Glowing Bathtub

©DIY Fun Ideas

Grandparents raising grandchildren may find problems when getting to take their baths. Kids sometimes hate getting on the bathtub and you have to spend hours with them convincing them to bath.

So, if you are wondering how to make your best friend take a bath, glow sticks are the answer for you. Make sure to purchase non-toxic glow sticks and put them in the bathtub. Turn off the lights, and they will give a light show that kids will not resist. Just make sure that there aren’t any cuts on the glow sticks.

A Cardboard Stairs-Slide

©Gizmodo Australia

Other easy projects for kids that grandparents can do are cardboards Stairs-Slides. These slides would be an awesome and fun way for kids to go down the stairs.

All you need to do is to put a layer or two of cardboard over the stairs and let them slide on it. This would make some funny family videos that you can add to your collection.

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