Last Updated on February 6, 2023

6. Dog Toys

The same thing goes for dog toys who weren’t designed to be used outside. If it rains, the moisture will turn your dog’s toys into a fertile ground for mole and mildew to develop. And under extremely hot temperatures, the texture of the toys can change, and products that were safe once can become toxic products, resulting in a chemical hazard for your puppy, as they might swallow plastic.

7. Basketballs

The temperature outside can affect the inflation, the bounce, and the overall exterior of a basketball, thus ruining the quality of the ball, making it lose its grip. The shape of the ball might also change, which will, of course, affect performance. Ideally, you should store your basketball at room temperature, so after you are done playing, bring it inside your house, or find a corner in the garage to keep it protected.

8. Shoes

You have probably left your shoes outside for some reason – maybe they were all wet, maybe they smelled bad, but why you shouldn’t leave shoes outside? Well, if they are dry, they might end up damping as a consequence of morning dew, for example, which will turn your shoes into a nest for bacteria. Plus, outside, you have all sorts of small creatures and bugs that can look at your shoes as their new little cottage home.

9. Clothes

Hanging laundry up to dry is the eco-friendliest alternative when compared to using a dryer. However, you shouldn’t leave your clothes air drying for long periods because it can make them vulnerable to rain, which will promote the growth of mildew. Once mildew has appeared, it is pretty hard to get rid of it, so if you see that it’s about to rain, pick up your clothes and bring them inside.

10. Towels

Towels are made from the same type of materials as the majority of clothing articles. Therefore you shouldn’t leave them outside for the same reason you shouldn’t leave the rest of your clothes outside – the risk of raining and the risk of your towels developing mildew. Leave your beach towels hanging in the porch during the day if you have to, but pick them up when the night comes and store them inside your house.


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