10 Practical Uses for Lavender Oil You Should Know about Now

Well, you can smell lavender oil. Take one or two cotton balls and cover them with some lavender oil. After that, put them inside the vacuum bag.



A Deodorant Alternative

©Addi Rd.

You think that over-the-counter deodorant products have too many chemicals in them and that prolonged use will not do your skin any good. You’re right! A natural replacement for the conventional deodorant is the way to go, and lavender oil is the candidate for that!

Before you go out, apply a few drops of it to your armpits and you won’t have to worry about bad smell again or any chemicals that might damage your skin.



Improve Sleep Quality


Research has suggested that lavender oil can help ease insomnia symptoms. If you have a child that can’t go to sleep, then you can use lavender oil to help him or her ease into a restful sleep.

Take some drops of lavender oil and sprinkle them over your child’s pillows and bedsheets. The pleasant scent will help him or her sleep soundly. This works on adults as well, so use it on yourself if you’ve been having the same problems.



Ease the Pain from Bites and Stings


Insects are very intrusive creatures. They like to bite left and right and that causes some pain. You’ve had your share of those bites; however, you never knew that you could use lavender oil to ease that pain.

Apply a few drops to the area where the insect has left its mark to soothe pain and prevent the skin from swelling. If you plan to go hiking or on a picnic, you should take a bottle of lavender oil with you—just in case!



Step Up Your Ironing Game


You use your iron to remove wrinkles from your clothes. But did you know that you could use it to make the cloth of your clothes fresh and smelling nice? You can do that with the help of lavender oil!

Take two to three drops of lavender oil and add them to the water compartment in your iron. After this, running the iron over clothes will leave them wrinkle-free and pleasant to smell.



Treat Cold Sores

©NBC Los Angeles

Cold sores are a viral infection that isn’t pleasant to the eye; nor for your nerve endings, as it can be very painful some times. Some of the symptoms include tingling and itching, blisters, and oozing and crusting.

To help treat it more effectively do the following: take 10 to 15 drops of fractionated coconut oil, add 1 drop of lavender oil to them, mix everything together and apply to the infected area.

These have been some of the life hacks everyone should know. The question, “What does lavender essential oil do?” should not be one you have to ask now. Keep this lavender oil hacks in mind and apply them the next time a situation comes up.

Before you go, tell us about some other uses of lavender oil we might have missed.



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