10 Simple Ways To Get The Sleep You Need

Last Updated on October 22, 2018

10 Simple Ways To Get The Sleep You Need© medicalnewstoday.com

I think it is not necessary to start mentioning all the sleep benefits and why we must have 7-8 hours sleep every night because most of us have already made the mistake of sleeping late and waking up early to go to work or school.

Obviously, they were unforgettable days. So I think we are very aware of how much we need sleep in order to function as proper human beings. We basically could have started World War 3 if we didn’t have caffeine.

When we start believing that we have insomnia or we simply can’t sleep because of our brain that can’t stop remembering embarrassing moments and thinking about imaginary catastrophic scenarios, we could face all urges and do many things that could help us fall asleep immediately.

I have had struggles falling asleep, too. But after trying a few of these hacks, I sleep like a baby and snore like a wounded warthog.

Don’t forget to swipe through the pages to find out the 10 ways that will help you have a good sleep



Limit your exposure to excess blue light

Limit your exposure to excess blue light

© Pinterest

Our brain receives the blue light from the sun in order to stay awake and alert during the day, and it is a great thing. But, we are under the same light every time we use our devices or while using indoor lighting, so our brain gets tricked thinking that midnight is midday, leaving us awake the entire time.

Also, it is important to understand that when the sun is setting, the reduction in blue light tells our brain to release melatonin, which is a hormone that helps us sleep and relax.

There are many products that can help us use our devices without getting affected by the blue light, like BluVue glasses.



Redecorate your bedroom

Redecorate your bedroom

© Pinterest

In order to fall asleep, almost immediately, create an atmosphere where you feel calm and tranquil. In other words, create an oasis of relaxation. So, paint the walls with colors that give you peace and tranquility, and keep all the electronic devices outside the room, including your TV.

Train your brain to consider the bedroom as a place for sleeping only. If you have a problem with space, you can hide the electronics behind curtains or partitions. I recently rented a house, and the first thing I did was hanging on the walls many quotes about relaxation, Zen, and harmony. Honestly, it helped!



Install blackouts curtains

Install blackouts curtains

© Knowhunger

I don’t know about you, but any light that penetrates my curtains into my room keep me awake. Even the sunrise could wake me up with its light when it creeping into my apartment. So I had to do what anyone who gets annoyed by light during their sleep should do: install blackout curtains.

They truly helped me keep my sanity. You could purchase them from any store, or you can DIY them yourself.



Use a sleep mask

Use a sleep mask

© Wirecutter

If you are incapable to get the blackout curtains, or you just travel a lot, ending up sleeping in different rooms with a lot of light, you should consider purchasing a sleeping mask.

Personally, whenever I am out of town or planning to spend the night with friends, I keep my sleep mask in my bag, and trust me, it is a life-saver. Otherwise, I would always look and act like a zombie the whole day.



Set your alarm

Set your alarm

© Imagiplay


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