14 Surprising Things You Can Do Using Apple Cider Vinegar (For Body And House)

Last Updated on June 7, 2019

Leg Cramps

This is a painful, strong contraction of a muscle that takes place out of the blue and may last for several seconds or even minutes. The main problem with leg cramps is that they have a favorite time to show up: night time.

Also, one of the main reasons why they happen is that you have a lack of potassium. Fortunately for you, you have a rich source of potassium at hand. So drink this superfood nutrition to prevent leg cramps.


Control Dandruff

©PEI Magazine
In case you are suffering from those not so pleasing, unsightly dandruff on your hair and shoulders that are making you seriously uncomfortable, use the power of apple cider vinegar to fight them.

First, you need to mix equal parts of water and ACV. Then, spray it onto the roots of the scalp. Give it a chance to rest on your hair for 15 min to an hour depending on the thickness of the hair. Then wash it with shampoo.

Fresh Breath

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Instead of spending your dollars on Listerine, you can use this health drink to give you a fresh breath. Rinse or gargle with a mixture of water and ACV before leaving the house. In case you want better results, you can always drink it.

When you drink one tbsp or two of apple cider vinegar mixed with a cup of water, it helps you have better digestions. And therefore you will prevent bad breath from your inside.


Sore Throat

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It is definitely annoying to go through your day with a sore throat, especially when you are at school or work. Gargling with salt water has always been one of our vmothers and grandmothers’ favorite remedies when it comes to soothing a sore throat, and they are right about it.

However, you can have better results when you add apple cider vinegar to this remedy. ACV gives you more ability to kill germs and heal faster.

Foot Stink

©Totally The Bomb
Stinky feet get to your nerves and the nerves of people around you. Certainly, bacteria are the main reason behind the bad odor. And it makes sense that you use apple cider vinegar to fight the odor since it has antibacterial properties.

we are not saying that you pour the bottle over your shoes, all you need to do is put your feet in a mixture of eight ounces warm water + an ounce of the vinegar.


Skin Care

The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar assumes the role of a keratolytic. In other words, this is the substance that has the role of breaking up keratin plugs. And these plugs are harmful because they clog your pores.

Another benefit of ACV is that it can help you get rid of that bothersome acne on your face. So when you drink ACV, you are actually giving your body the possibility to balance PH levels and therefore fight bacteria.

Soothe Sunburn

©Tennis Australia
The antiseptic properties of ACV have the ability to kill germs and ease the pain. In addition to that, this healthy liquid can help you have fewer blisters and have a more balanced pH level of sunburned skin.

Also, it has the ability to make dead skin cells slough away as well as to make epidermis softer. You should always take precautions when you are heading to the beach, but in case you didn’t, make sure you keep a bottle of ACV near you.


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