4 Ways To Get Rid Of Adhesive And Glue Stains


Last Updated on May 7, 2020

These days, commercial adhesives are everywhere. And if by any chance you happen to leave one on your shirt, get your best cleaning products ready because you have a stain waiting for you. The same will happen with glue because, much like adhesives, it will stick to your clothes and leave a stain behind. And don’t even get us started on what happens to your carpets if a commercial adhesive or some glue drips end up falling and leaving behind a mark. There is no easy recipe on how to remove glue from clothes or carpets, and the same goes for stickers, but if you want to get the job done, gather all of your patience, and let’s get started. Read our list to find out the most usual stickers and glues that tend to leave a mark, followed by a recipe on how to remove stains from clothes and carpets.

1. Commercial Adhesives

If you are going to use a construction adhesive to glue some things together, be sure to cover up your carpets and use old pieces of clothing while you are at it. The best way to be safe is to purchase an adhesive remover, since removing a stain caused by a commercial adhesive can be quite a challenge. One of the ways to remove stains from fabric that were caused by commercial adhesives is to keep your garment inside the freezer. This will freeze the glue until it becomes solid, making it easier for you to break and finally remove from the fabric. If you succeed in this first stain removal step, treat any little bit of remaining stain using a solvent, and wash it as you would normally do using your regular laundry detergent. If the adhesive falls on a carpet, you can’t stick the entire carpet on the freezer, so instead, try to use a bag filled with ice cubes and freeze the adhesive. For complete removal of the stain, finish by using a little bit of adhesive solvent. However, you should always test this step on the part of the carpet that stays hidden, so you won’t end up damaging the whole thing.

2. Glitter Glue

Glitter glue is a must-have in any box of arts and crafts, and it can be found in many different bright colors. This might seem like some magical product, but it’s a very basic mix between glitter dyes and white glue. And even though it’s not as consistent as regular white glue, it is way harder to get rid of its stains because of the glitter and the dye. To remove glitter glue from your clothes, first, you need to observe if the glue is still wet or if it had time to dry fully. If it’s dry, you can use a dull knife and try to scrape as much glue as you can. Rinse it out using cold water, and follow through with a mix of cold water and oxygen bleach, in which you should submerge your pieces of clothing. The clothing items should be soaking for about 10 hours to remove the colorful stains effectively. On carpets, you should also try to remove the dry stain using a dull tool, and soak the affected area with the same water and bleach solution. After an hour, it should be good enough for you to clean it up using a dry cloth, followed by a couple of hours of air drying to finish the job. If nothing seems to work, a carpet cleaning service or the dry cleaner might be your only remaining options.


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