Last Updated on April 20, 2021

Make sure to place your bait near an ant trail, but somewhere where children and pets can’t reach them. Make sure to clean your surfaces so that they will have nothing else available to carry back to their nest.

3. Practice Patience

People who look at how to eliminate ant infestations are usually looking for a quick fix. Still, if you want effective and lasting results, you will have to be patient – it can take many days to eliminate all the ants, or even weeks, depending on how large the colony is, and how many queens it has. Be patient! You will start noticing the results.

4. Use Pesticides In Your Garden, But Be Careful

If you follow the trails and reach the conclusion that there is an outdoor nest outside, you can always choose to apply liquid pesticide directly to the nest, in the hope it will reach deep enough to get to the queen. However, you should first be sure that the colony you are attacking is the one invading your home since some ants are pretty innocent creatures and amazing “garden tenants.” Plus, these pesticides can affect other insects because they are so strong. So be sure to always follow the directions written on the label.

5. Clean Your House

Like we have stated before, ants will come into your house for one thing and one thing only – food. If you live in an unkept environment, you are more likely to receive those unwanted guests. Invest some time into house cleaning – sweep the floors properly, clean all of your surfaces with adequate cleaning products, and seal your foods. If you already have an infestation, do not clean the ant trails, since it will make it harder for you to put an end to it. However, if you don’t have ants marching throughout your house, keep it clean and tidy – a clean house is the best natural ant repellent.

6. Seal All The Entries

One of the simplest ways to control little ants is to seal all the points where they can enter. Of course, they are super small, and they can get inside through minor cracks, but you can minimize that risk. Seal your doors and windows, as well as other possible entrances like pipes and wire entry points. Check your house for tiny cracks and fix those as well. It’s up to you to turn your home into an ant fort!


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