7 Dirty Places You Forget To Clean In Your House!

Last Updated on January 2, 2020

Begin by removing your clothes from the shelves, use a dry cloth to wipe the dust, spray a mix of vinegar and warm water and wipe with a clean cloth.

When dusting, do not use a dust wand or Swiffer duster to avoid causing dust to sprinkle on your items.

The same goes for the closet floor. If you place your shoes on the closet floor, expect it to be soiled and full of bacteria. Remove the closet carpet, mop underneath it, and wash the carpet.

#5 – Clean the trash cans

Taking out the trash doesn’t mean cleaning out the trash cans!

Trash cans are filled with germs, food leftovers, and bad odor, which is all the more reason to make them some of your cleaning priorities.

First, use rubber gloves to remove any food leftovers from the bin or can, rinse the can with warm water and detergent, and thoroughly scrub the surface and interior of the bin.

Next, spray the bins with disinfectant to remove bacteria and bad smell entirely. Do this on a regular basis to keep your trash cans fresh!

#6 – Clean the ceiling fans

If your house is equipped with ceiling fans, do not expect them to clean themselves out when you switch them on. Nobody wants dust particles to fill their living rooms, what with allergies and so on.

The easiest way to clean your ceiling fan is this:

You don’t have to spend a long time dusting the blades of your ceiling fan, spray a mix of water and white vinegar on the insides of pillowcases and slip them into each blade. Switch on the ceiling fan and let the work be done!

It turns out that ceiling fans can actually clean themselves!

#7 – Clean your washing machine

You may notice that your clothes just don’t feel as fresh anymore even after a good wash. Did you perhaps neglect washing your washing machine?!

You need to clean your washing machine, not just to keep your clothes fresh but also to keep it functioning properly. Pour a mix of baking soda, vinegar, and hot water into your washer and run a cycle. The inside of your washer will look as fresh as you want your own clothes to be!

Many washing machines are broken because of accumulated lint so make sure to also remove the lint screen and roll lint off.

What part of your house do you start cleaning first and what parts did you just realize you need to clean as well? Tell us in the comments!


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