7 Ways On How To Make Your Fridge Last Longer!

Last Updated on August 26, 2020

For some, one of the most important house appliances in the kitchen is the fridge. And it makes sense why some people think like this. After all, the fridge/freezer is an item most of our food couldn’t survive without, and without food, we wouldn’t be able to survive. However, this type of house appliance is not within the cheap range whatsoever. Fridges are quite expensive, and most of them won’t last you a lifetime. Most people have to switch their refrigerators or freezers at least two times in their whole life, but why does this happen? Was it the fridge quality, or were you unconsciously doing some bad things that damage your freezer? Knowing how to care for your freezer is the first step to keep your food healthy and your money safe. So without any further ado, here are some freezer mistakes you should stop making! CLICK ON THE NEXT PAGE ASAP!

1. Stop Opening Your Freezer During A Power Outage

Whenever there’s a power outage, the last thing you should do is open your freezer to remove all the frozen food. We understand that frozen food needs to stay frozen at low temperatures, but if you don’t open your fridge, you have a higher chance that the food remains frozen once the power comes back again. Opening the freezer and removing the food will only allow air and room temperature to penetrate the food, leading to bacteria accumulation. Once the power comes back, check to see if the food is still frozen. However, if it feels soft, the best is to throw it away to avoid food poisoning.

2. Don’t Keep Your Food For A Long Time

Just because you’re freezing your food doesn’t mean it will last forever. Frozen food also expires, and even if you don’t notice anything wrong with it on the outside, its taste and texture will show you that the food is not fresh or safe to eat anymore. Leftovers, for example, shouldn’t be left in the freezer for more than three days. Check online for some guides about different foods and how long they can last in the freezer. This will help you understand when it’s time to throw something away.

3. If There’s Space, Fill It!

One of the biggest mistakes you are making with your freezer is not utilizing its full space. Did you know that a full fridge is more efficient at maintaining cold temperatures than an empty one? This happens because the food helps maintain the cold temperature inside the cavities, so the freezer itself doesn’t have to work extra hard to keep the low temperatures. So whenever you go shopping for food, don’t be afraid to fill up your fridge. Buy whatever is necessary. Just don’t pack everything too tight to maintain some airflow inside the fridge, and you should be fine!

4. Don’t Set The Freezer Temperature Too High

For a freezer, a high temperature is everything above 0ºF, so to keep your freezer cold and efficient, you should always set it as cold as possible, especially if you’re looking for long-term storage.


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