8 Ways To Keep Bugs Out Of Your Kitchen!

Last Updated on November 13, 2019

#6 – This one is easy: Do the dishes

Gross insects despise clean environments, and soap and detergent are their life long enemies. If you let dirty dishes pile up on the sink, though, you will be their life long hero, because those food scraps are delicious insect food.

Put your dishes into the dishwasher as soon as you are done eating and remind everyone in your household to do the same – no exceptions, not even for your teenage kids who like to snack and leave their plate wherever. Clean dishes are a big part of a bug-free house.

#7 – Watch out for bugs on holiday items

Every year we celebrate Christmas and every year we store our Christmas ornaments away. But are we doing it properly? Unless you put your snow angel and your dangling stars into airtight containers, you are doing it wrong.

When unpacking, do it outside of the house and be careful when looking out for tiny bugs that might be trying to make you a Christmas surprise (or Thanksgiving, or Easter, it goes for every special occasion where you end up storing things for next year).

#8 – Do not keep pet bugs (You might be doing it by accident)

If you have a pet, you know that their snacks are often grainy, and that is just awesome for pantry bugs because your dog’s food crumbs are an absolute feast for an insect. Seal the package in a proper way or do the same as you should do with decorations, and move the food to an airtight container.

The bowl is something you should also pay attention to, as it can be an invitation to an unwanted six-legged guest to come into your house, and you do not want pet bugs.

So, make sure to clean your dog’s or cat’s dish as often as possible, replace the water, since stagnate water can get you a lot of mosquitoes flying around, and refill the bowl whenever you need to, this will avoid having crumbs laying around.

These are quite simple ways to make sure you avoid a bug infestation in your kitchen, or in the rest of your house, for that matter.

It all sums down to keeping your house super clean and ship-shape; try to educate your kids (or roommates) in order to make your own life easier and also in order to avoid having plates in weird places where you wouldn’t remember looking for them, but bugs sure would.


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