9 Simple Hacks to the Most Irritating Household Problems!

Last Updated on November 8, 2019


The built-in mineral deposits on your shower head can give you a hard showering time as they slow down the water flow or, in the worst case, stop it. The best way to have a perfectly clean shower head no matter what has been forming inside it, you should use white vinegar.

To clean the showerhead, remove it and let it soak in white vinegar overnight. Use a sponge to give it a nice scrub the next day, and you’ll see all that dirt sliding off.

Vinegar has a truly magical chemical-free cleaning power to remove deposits, not to mention its endless uses around the house.

#4 – How to clean grout lines

©One Good Thing by Jillee

Cleaning grout lines can be much easier than you imagined! You’ll only need a foaming carpet cleaner. Spray the carpet cleaner onto all the grout lines around the house and use a firm brush to scrub the dirt away.

Then, leave it for around fifteen minutes and rinse with water. You can also choose to clean with a mop. The results are simply amazing.

#3 – How to fill nail holes


Nail holes make walls look annoyingly bad-looking. If you want to fill them up or at the very least make them invisible, you can turn to many common household items for a quick and long-lasting nail hole filler.

You can use small amounts of a melted crayon, soap bar, or simply toothpaste to effortlessly fill nail holes and make your wall whole again.

#2 – How to fix a loose screw


You can tighten a loose screw by using a small amount of steel wool. Simply get the screw out, wrap a bit of steel wool around it, and screw it back tightly in place. The steel wool offers an additional grip that will secure the screws right into the hole efficiently and for a very long time.

#1 – How to fix a sticky lock


Having a hard time with a lock that keeps sticking? You can easily loosen it up with a graphite pencil. Use the pencil to scribble inside the hole of your sticky lock, then sharpen the pencil and repeat the same method as many times as you need until you can get to open the door smoothly.

You can apply the same hack if you have a sticky car door lock. A pencil can go a long way in making your daily life easier.

Did you know about any of these hacks? Tell us how it worked for you, and don’t hesitate to share any easy fixes for other household problems. Your comments are always a delightful source of inspiration.


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