Are You Fed Up With Your Messed Up House? Read The Solution

Last Updated on November 11, 2019

It is preferable though to not do all the cleaning all at once. To illustrate, you can do laundry on Tuesday, clean your bathroom in Thursday, do your furniture cleaning on Monday, buy groceries and do shopping on Friday, and dust and vacuum your house on Saturday.

Define how many things can you keep in order


Have you ever heard of something called ‘edge of messiness’? This is the definition of your capability or your family’s to keep given things in order.

As a matter of fact, everybody seems to have his or her own edge; there are few things and objects that can be kept in their own places. The problem is that the bigger the number of these objects becomes, the messier your house becomes.

In case your edge is low, then you need to get rid of few objects that you don’t need. Grab a big box and pack it with anything that you no longer want to have around. Next, assign places to the objects that you really need and want exclusively.

Throw away 20 or 30 things every month

©Nashville Public Radio Podcasts

We know that many among you like to have collections of everything; mugs, magazines, skirts, paper bags, spoons, vases, curtains, small toy boxes, and many more things. But do you really need all this stuff?

The answer is likely no; you just have this have the habit of accumulating and storing things. Set a campaign every month to remove all the stuff you don’t need. Try to get rid of 20 to 30 things each month.

Your house will be tidy, clean and organized. Having so many things around is just going to give the messy look to your living room and the rest of your household. Take a plastic bag or a box and toss in all the old stuff you got.

Use containers for each member of your family


This is another way of keeping things under control. Each member of your family is supposed to have his or her own box where personal stuff should be placed.

This is also a way to teach your folks how to be responsible for collecting their own stuff, otherwise, you are just going to toss them away.

Things like cards, keys, telephone, and the likes are perfect to be put in such containers. It is way better than leaving things scattered here and there and keep looking in the mess for your car keys.

Divide old things into groups and get rid of them


While you are enjoying your collection of summer skirts and winter jackets, there are people who have absolutely nothing to wear. So instead of storing clothes that you don’t even wear in your closet, you can divide them into groups to get rid of them on separate days during the week.

How? Take them to a charity house where people need all sorts of help or put them in given bins. Each group will be dedicated to a specific thing; 1st group for dresses, 2nd group for socks, 3rd group for pants, etc. You will have more space in your closet for newer stuff.

Special boxes for things


During the cleaning process, it is useful to keep a box or basket in your hand, where you can place things that you will return to their places. It is much better than putting things back separately, going back and forth from one room to another.

Think always strategically of ways to economize time and effort. As we have already mentioned, start by taking each thing to its assigned place, then start the scrubbing and cleaning.

Prepare a list of things you are considering to get rid of while cleaning. So you can arrange, organize, put back and get rid of things at the same time.

Forget about the spontaneous mess


Sometimes, spontaneous mess gives an interesting outlook to your house, yet it is not always so. A lot of families have this ritual of placing anything they have at hand on the kitchen table.

Here you can find all kinds of unexpected things, which should be elsewhere like meds, toy, pens, OxiClean laundry detergent, powerful cleaner for windows, books, etc. But if you have assigned places for each of these things, you will not suffer from such a mess.

Moreover, try to teach your family some basics of living in a tidy place. You can ask one of your kids, for instance, to put back the books to the shelf in the study room and take the toys to a special drawer and so on.

Do you think that these tips are authentic and practical? Tell us how in a comment below!


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