Become A Cleaning Wizard With These 7 House Cleaning Hacks!

Last Updated on January 10, 2020

#4 – Mattress

How many times have you cleaned your mattress in the last couple of years? Probably none, right? Well… someday you will have to do it. And when that day comes, try to remember the following method as it will make your life so much easier:

Sprinkle baking powder all over your mattress and leave it there for a couple of hours before vacuuming it up. It will absorb both odor and moisture from the surface making it look clean and fresh again.

#5 – Toilet bowl stains

No matter how often you clean your shower, sink, or toilet, the build-up of minerals present in hard water damage the porcelain and often leave stains that can be very hard to get rid of.

In this case, baking soda and vinegar are once again your best friends (in case you haven’t noticed, these two ingredients can be used to create several all-natural cleaning products). Here’s what you need to do:

First, pour one cup of vinegar into the bowl and use the toilet brush to scrub the vinegar all over the surface. Wait a couple of minutes and then pour one cup of baking soda and two cups of vinegar into the bowl and wait ten more minutes.

Grab the toilet brush and scrub the stains with the baking soda and vinegar mix, wait half an hour and repeat the process until there are no stains remaining. Lastly, flush the toilet.

#6 – Shower

You can create a very effective shower cleaner by just mixing two ingredients: white vinegar and natural dish soap. Spray the mixture all over the shower surface, let it sit for a few minutes and be amazed by how easily you will be able to remove all the dirt.

Open your bathroom window when you use this product to quickly dissipate that strong vinegar smell.

#7 – Fan

Ceiling fans accumulate a lot of dust on top of the blades. That’s a fact we are all well aware of, but we seem to forget it during most routine cleaning.

After some time, cleaning the fans without having dust flying around the room and falling into your things might seem impossible. It is not.

To clean a fan with ease, just use an old pillowcase or t-shirt! Simply slide it over one fan and wipe the dust off without worrying about making a mess – the dust will stay contained inside the pillowcase and you can shake it off safely and wash it afterward.


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