Here Are The 8 Smartest Recycling Systems

Last Updated on April 11, 2019

There are, fortunately, plenty of grey water filtration systems for home users. You can reduce your overconsumption of water by reusing and recycling your grey water.

A Youtuber named Britanny App introduced her followers and viewers into a grey water filtering system for her waste water so that she can use it in the irrigation of her garden.

All that she needed to create her filtering system was a pong pump and hose pipe. You can check out her channel to know more of her DIYs. But before going for the filtration of your grey water, you need to ensure that it is void of harmful chemicals.

Using Waste Styrofoam For Insulation


Scientifically speaking, styrofoam needs ages to finally degrade in the environment. In fact, according to specialists, its degradation requires 5 centuries. So instead of dumping your styrofoam, you could reuse and recycle it to protect the environment from unneeded hazards.

Waldemar Sha, who is an instructables user, guides the interested parties in recycling their styrofoam scraps to make insulating panels.

The simplest ingredients you will need are corrugated cardboard, Styrofoam and some plaster. Put the plaster on the cardboard and cover it with the Styrofoam, then stick another cardboard to be left to dry.

Making Paper From Recycled Paper


In European countries, you could find a paper recycling bin everywhere you go. In shops and stores, you can get cheap recycled paper like hammermill great white recycled copy paper. In reality, the best way to handle your paper waste is finding and putting it in the proper recycling bin.

But that is not all the time necessary for you can do paper recycling by yourself at home. MakeSomething, a Youtuber, explains to the viewers how they can manage to recycle their paper waste without needing a recycling center. Get a deckle to spray using oil to avoid paper sticking.

In order to create a pulp, you need to mix up the waste paper with water. The next step involves submerging the deckle in the water tub, then add the pulp. In the final step, you should be able to remove the whole mixture from the water, then let it dry.

Making Plant Pots With Coffee Grounds


All things can be used twice if you think creatively with your concern over the environment and the eco-system. For instance, why would you throw your coffee grounds if you still can use them? You can use the remnants of your coffee in making biodegradable plant pots.

What you need to do is mixing together some water, flour and coffee grounds to make clay. You are given the option to either use the clay around another biodegradable pot, that you already have or create one on your own. Plastic plant pots are no longer needed.

Reduction Of Water Consumption

©George Herald

Sometimes, if you check your water meter usage, you might be surprised and shocked. That is why you need to consider having a water-saving system. In the markets, you must have seen a combination of toilets and sinks, but you can make one on your own.

MechEngineerMike presented a guide to help you make your combo 3-D printed parts. The system functions in a very impressive way as it enables you to use water to wash your hands, then transfer it into your toilet’s rim.

The recycled water can be used in flushing your toilet. This way, you will be using one source of water, meaning reducing your daily water consumption.

Go ahead and try some of the presented tips in the article and share with us your experiment to evaluate it together.


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