Here Are The Secrets To A Beautiful White Smile

Last Updated on December 27, 2019

Cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco are the main reasons why your teeth are stained and why you might even be dealing with oral health issues.

The e-cigarettes can’t stain the teeth as much as the cigarettes do, but they still contain nicotine, which is the element responsible for the stains. However, they can lead to bad breath and plaque build-up.

#4 – Eat healthily

We are sorry to break the news for you but your favorite snacks and delicious junk food are the main reason why your teeth are not looking at their best. The key here is to avoid them as much as possible and aim for a balanced diet.

This decision will not be good for your teeth only, but for your entire health in the long run. However, always pay attention to the amount of sugar in the fruits and juices you are consuming because they could lead to cavities.

#5 – Pick the right toothbrush

Did you know that your toothbrush plays a big role in your smile? And did you know its part is actually as important as the toothpaste you choose?

Here is a tip for a beautiful smile: always wash your toothbrush before and after use, then store them somewhere breathable to get the air out properly. Also, it is better to change your toothbrush every three months, so don’t use it for long!

#6 – Avoid enamel loss

The direct reason for yellow teeth is thinning tooth enamel, which is the white, hard stuff that creates the surface of your teeth. Under that surface is a substance we call dentine, and it has a pale yellowish color. When the enamel is ruined, the dentine beneath it starts becoming more visible, which makes it look more yellowish.

To protect against enamel loss, you need to adopt the smile-care habits we outlined in this article. Some of them may require a few deep changes in your lifestyle, but it is going to be worth it. Remember that you can always contact your dentist to know more about what your smile needs.


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