How To Cut Your Hair At Home!

Last Updated on August 30, 2020

Once your hair is all smooth, you can pull it into a ponytail and then use a ruler to determine how much you would like to take off. Mark the length using a hair clip, and then it’s time to snip, snip, snip.

5. How To Shorten Your Ponytail When You Do Have Layers

The combing process is just the same as before, but the cutting process is a bit different. After combing your hair, start by analyzing the natural movement your layers seem to form. Then, separate your hair in sections and cut layer by layer, always marking it off with a hair clip to make sure the final result looks even.

6. When Should You Cut Vertically And When Should You Cut Horizontally?

The angle in which you choose to use your scissors can help you recreate a more natural effect when cutting your hair. When you cut your hair horizontally, there is a risk that the edges will look pretty square, and this might not be your goal. But if you cut vertically, you can achieve a softer finish that will make your hair movement look more natural and “wild.”

7. Take Care Of Those Split Ends

After styling your hair the way you intended, it’s time to take care of those annoying split ends. Can you recall your last visit to the hairstylist? Do you remember them point cutting the ends of your hair? Well, you can do the same at home, and all it takes is for you to change the angle of your scissors. Point it towards the floor and cut the split ends while following the natural flow of your hair.

8. How To Cut Bangs By Yourself

And if you are feeling extra adventurous and ready for a bold move, you can always try to cut your bangs at home. People with bangs know the effort it takes to maintain that iconic hairstyle, but if you manage to do it at home, your life will change completely. Start by taking care of the ends of your bangs. Separate your hair in three different sections – the middle, the sides and the front. Clip back the sides to make it easier to point cut the front section. Then, set the rest of your bangs free and level them up as you see fit.


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