The Most Simple And Cheap Ingredients That Will Clean Almost Anything!




©Good Food

Another natural abrasive that will help you get rid of all stains and messes is salt, and one of its benefits is the fact it is available from coarse to fine, and everywhere in between. So depending on your cleaning needs, you can choose the type of salt that will suit you best.

If you don’t want to leave a harmful residue on, you can then use the salt to scour things, like your pet’s water and food bowls.

To make you even happier, we shall say that that you don’t need to worry anymore about the accidental spills at the dinner table. Since salt is always close at hand, you can quickly use it on the spill and it will absorb it immediately.



Rubbing Alcohol

©Expert Home Tips

One of the greatest things about rubbing alcohol is the fact that it can quickly evaporate, which makes it a great cleaner for things you don’t want to get wet, like your electronic devices.

You can also use rubbing alcohol if you want to get items and things to shine, like stainless steel appliances and window panes. Or if you want to help dissolve sticky messes like bandage residue and stickers, then this super ingredient is the one you should go for.

Rubbing alcohol has to always be in one of your cabinets all the time because you never know when you are going to need it!



Hydrogen peroxide

©Best of Clothes ideas

You can use hydrogen peroxide to clean wounds, but you can also use it to clean other things, too, especially anything that’s body-related.

For example, hydrogen peroxide is your greatest option when it comes to cleaning your makeup brushes and toothbrushes. In fact, you can even add water and use it as a mouthwash.

The other superpower of hydrogen peroxide is brightening and lightning, which means you can use as an alternative to bleach and count on it to brighten dingy laundry, remove stains, whiten teeth, lighten hair, and more.



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