Top 10 Amazing Uses Of Onions That Won’t Make You Cry

Last Updated on May 1, 2020

5. Clean the Calluses of the Feet

Calluses have an ugly appearance, are uncomfortable, and cause a lot of pain in the feet if not properly treated. And to treat them, you don’t need to spend a lot of money. Just use the onions. You need to cut an onion into slices and bring them to a boil with vinegar. After the preparation has cooled, make compresses with the liquid and apply them to the calluses several times a day. This cleaning process makes your feet look great and free of calluses.

6. Polishing Metal Objects and Removing Rust

The juice from onions is extremely effective in combating the rust of metallic objects, such as kitchen knives, scissors, and other sharp objects. How to use onion juice? When preparing a mixture of the juice of chopped onion with hot water, you are left with a natural cleaning product to remove rust and polish any metal objects you want. You only need to use a microfiber cloth moistened in this preparation and wipe the respective metal surfaces. And everything will be clean and shiny.

7. Clean the Grid and Remove the Most Ingrained Fats

Who can resist a delicious barbecue? Do you prefer good or rare meat? And that smell … how wonderful! But the worst comes at the end when it’s time to clean up. There is the rest of the food, fats, and all kinds of dirt stuck to the grill. But you don’t need to worry about it anymore. One of the best ways to prepare a delicious barbecue with family or friends is to clean the grill with an onion. You need to turn on the grill again, cut an onion in half and stick it on a fork. Then, you have to pass it over the hot grill so that the debris and dirt all come out.

8. Get Rid Of the Smell of Fresh Paint

Whenever you paint a certain area or division of your home, such as a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, among other places, you can easily get rid of the smell of fresh paint in the air. And it is very easy to do. How to get rid of paint smell? You need to place two or more onion slices in a container with water and place the respective container overnight in the room you have just painted. This is one of the best room deodorizers you can use, as it will make sure that the respective room has no smell the next day.

9. Removing Paint Stains from Clothes

Also related to painting, onions are also very effective in removing paint stains on clothing. The onion stain removal is like a natural product that easily eliminates these marks since its antibacterial and antifungal properties act on the stains. Squeeze the onion juice into the stained area and let it sit on the stained area for approximately 10 minutes. The results will be extraordinary.

10. Prevent Frost from Forming On Your Windscreen

This is one of the most appreciated tricks by motorists who are forced to leave their cars out of the house every night. After the vehicle has been on the street all night, it is natural that in the morning, the windows are all covered with frost, which will make it impossible for you to see the road. To avoid this, you need to cut an onion in half and rub it on the windshield at night. The next morning, you will find that the frost that fell over the night did not stick to the windshield. And you will no longer need to keep the car running for 15 minutes to demist the windows. These are the ten amazing uses of onions that won’t make you cry and that you probably didn’t know. These are just the main onion uses, as there are many more. Onions are as versatile in cooking as they are outside the kitchen. So make the most of all its extraordinary uses.


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