Top 7 Amazing Household Uses Of Washing Soda!

Last Updated on April 14, 2021

How to use washing soda for cleaning the kitchen? Just prepare a cleaning solution that adds ½ cup of washing soda to a spray bottle with about 180 ml of warm water. Then, you need to sprinkle this cleaning solution on all the counters, utensils, and kitchen appliances to get rid of all dirt and grease. Extra Tip: Don’t forget to clean the garbage cans with this preparation, as they are the dirtiest places, full of germs and unpleasant in a kitchen. 5…And, of course, the Kitchen Dishes! If washing soda is effective in cleaning all kitchen utensils and appliances, it is also effective in cleaning kitchen dishes. While any dishwasher detergent is great for cleaning dishes, glasses, cutlery, among other more fragile dishes, they sometimes leave food residues. And that doesn’t happen with the washing soda that leaves your kitchen dishes shiny and without water stains. The washing soda can also be combined with borax, citric acid, salt, among other products, to effectively clean dishes, sinks, and kitchen floors, making you free of all impurities and stains of hard water.

6. To Disinfect Bathroom Dishes

The washing soda can be equally used as the main disinfectant for the dishes in your bathroom, such as the bathtub, the sink, the toilet, and even the curtains found in the shower. Its use will help you get rid of soap foam, greasy residue, and stains from hard water and limestone, in addition to preventing the formation of mold, mildew, and other unpleasant odors. Always use washing soda in all rooms of the house, but do it mainly in the bathroom, as this is one of the most intimate places that you must clean and disinfect accordingly to always feel clean and safe.

7. To Keep the Exterior Spaces of Your Home Always Clean

It is essential that you use washing soda to keep the exterior spaces of your home clean and disinfected. To achieve this, it is vital to prepare a cleaning solution with 3 cups of washing soda and a bucket of warm water. If you want, you can add your favorite essential oils (lemon, lavender, rosemary, among others) for a more pleasant scent. And, in the end, apply to balconies, decks, patios, paths, and all outdoor furniture, among other garden tools. This will make your house always clean, disinfected, and better protected from the action of insects and other animals. They will not come near you or your home, which gives you a better quality of air and life. Now that you’ve learned what is washing soda and its amazing uses for cleaning a home, what are you waiting for to purchase this fantastic cleaning product? The washing soda is available for sale on any supermarket shelf or even online if you prefer to shop on Amazon, for example. So, get yours now and make sure your house is always clean, organized, and disinfected.


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