Top 7 Indoor Plant Mistakes You Must Avoid!

Last Updated on April 16, 2021

4. Thinking you need to have a green thumb to grow the best indoor plants

First of all, no one is born with a green thumb. Secondly, you just cannot be a plant killer forever. In fact, even the most talented gardeners kill plants sometimes, also, every great gardener achieves radiant plants through tons of learning and practicing. So do not feel terribly guilty when a plant dies under your roof from time to time. Growing and caring for houseplants includes trial, error, and learning. Just keep in mind that a green thumb is always acquired and never inherited. Besides, the internet is full of free gardening tips and guides.

3. Moving your plants a lot

Plants crave stability. They don’t like to be moved a lot because they need to adapt to their new habitat in order to grow and thrive. Changes like re-potting and relocating can be terribly disruptive to the plant’s life and balance. So moving your plants around whenever you want or according to your decorative taste is a big no-no. So just choose one specific great spot for each plant and let them be.

2. Not checking the roots

You should never ever forget about the roots! They are the feeding organ of the plant, which means it’s crucial to keep them healthy. Sometimes, you can see that the plant is not doing well but when you check the roots, you may find out that they’re outgrowing the pot. In case you encountered this problem, make sure to carefully take the plant out from the pot, cut any damaged parts of the roots, and place it in a bigger pot. Also, don’t forget to feed it with fertilizer and lay pebbles at the pot’s bottom before adding soil. Generally, you need to check your plants’ roots once every month for the slow-growing plants.

1. Not knowing where your plants come from

To properly care for every plant you have at home, you need to know the climate it originally thrives in. If your plant is more from deserts or places where the sun is always up and the climate is dry, then it’ll thrive in dry soil and won’t require daily or even weekly watering, while a tropical plant will need to stay moisturized to thrive. So make sure to adapt your watering schedule accordingly. It’s also important to stay temperature-wise; if it’s too hot or cold for you, then it’s the same for your indoor plants as well. It’s always important to take time to learn all you can about a plant so you can take better care of it, and if you’re an absolute beginner, start by choosing hard-to-kill plants for your home and go from there. Plants are such great and rewarding companions, and you’ll soon see how all your efforts and online-reading are totally worth it. Share this article with your plant-loving friends and family, and don’t forget to tell us about your own gardening mistakes or pro tips.


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