10 Surprising Things You Never Knew Can Actually Expire

Last Updated on October 3, 2019

In fact, Shoe manufacturers and makers strongly recommend that you change your running shoes after running 300 to 600 miles in them. Still, It’s always up to the person who is wearing the running shoes to decide when it’s time to get rid of the old ones and get new ones instead!



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Did you know that your loofah is teeming with germs and bacterias and might not be as clean as you thought it is! The first reason why you should change it every now and then is that its nooks and crannies might be loaded with your dead skin cells. And don’t forget to add the fact that it’s almost all the time wet, which makes it very easy for the bacteria and germs to thrive on it!

According to Cleveland Clinic, it is very important to replace your loofah at least every single month or 5 weeks if it is a natural one while the plastic one should be gone in the trash after 2 months.



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Again, Facial Moisturisers lose their quality of hydration when they are open and used for more than two years. Therefore, It is very important to understand that the facial skin is very sensitive.

This way, you should replace your facial products more often, especially those that come in jars as you might transport bacterias in your fingers and help them to fester in the jar everytime you use the product. To avoid all these issues, we recommend replacing the jar with a new one every 6 months.



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Don’t wait to remain safe from mosquito bites by using a mosquito bug spray you have bought ages ago! Bug spray can become useless and ineffective after their expiration date is over.

In fact, they can last three years if they were stored properly in a place where they are kept out of extreme heat or cold. In case, you are not sure when you have actually purchased the spray bottle, it’s better to buy a new one!



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If you are somebody who is very creative and in love with change. Then, the chances are you have several old paint cans hidden in your basement, right! Therefore, you should be aware that the paint cans do not last forever and have an expiration date. So, don’t expect to see amazing results by using a very old paint can.

Painting experts say that an open paint can no longer be used after 2 to 4 years maximum. While unopened ones, especially the oil-based, can last 15 years while latex-based can last only 10 years.

Still, whenever you notice something like mold or chunks on the paint, you’d better throw it away and buy a new one.



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One of the biggest mistakes most people do is applying the sunscreen all over their skin without paying attention to its expiration date. It’s true that the sunscreen might not come with an expiration date, but this doesn’t mean that it can be used forever without any limits.

The general rule goes that sunscreens last no more than three years and should not be used after that date as they lose their quality and effectiveness.

The Mayo Clinic strongly recommends that you mark the sunscreen bottle with the date in which you have purchased the sunscreen. This way, you will make sure to remember when you have to stop using it!


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