Last Updated on February 24, 2021

5. Mix Wheel Cleaning Acid with Distilled Water

If water stains don’t want to come out, use wheel cleaning acid. This product contains hydrofluoric acid and is highly impactful and corrosive. Keep in mind that this chemical should not be used on metal wheels, as it corrodes aluminum, steel, and chrome. But it should also not be sprayed directly onto the car because it will wear down all layers of varnish, glass surfaces, and rubber finishes. So, mix it with distilled water (in the 1 to 4 ratio) and be very careful when applying it in the car. Spray the preparation onto a microfiber cloth and quickly wipe away any mineral deposits you find. Don’t forget to wear personal protective equipment such as a respirator, gloves, and goggles when handling this chemical because it can release toxic gases to your hands or face. In the end, rinse with a clean towel to let the car shine.

6. Pay Special Attention to Car Polishing

If you used wheel cleaning acid correctly with distilled water, your car has likely run out of trace minerals. However, you are not free to discover small cracks in the transparent surface of the car. When that’s the case, the only way to solve this problem or consequence of chemical corrosion is to polish or cut the car’s transparent layer to smooth it. This procedure is quite expensive and will have to be done by specialized professionals.

7. Prevent the Future Appearance of Water Stains in the Car

By now, you know that it is extremely difficult to get rid of water stains in a car – there may even be water spots on the car after washing. However, so that this does not happen so often, you can and should follow the following tips: Apply a quality Nano-ceramic coating, paint sealer, or wax regularly to protect the car body. Avoid parking next to sprinklers to prevent the car from being filled with traces of hard water. Wash your car after rain to get rid of all acidic contaminants and mineral residues. Dry and polish the car with a microfiber towel whenever the car is wet or washed. These are the seven effective ways to remove water stains from your car so that it always stays clean and shiny and has a longer service life. Interiorize them and put them into practice whenever you need to remove water spots from your four-wheel vehicle. Thus, your car will always have a new and well-maintained aspect, keeping its market value and the greed of other drivers intact.


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