Here Are 10 Ways You Can Improve Your Garden Soil

Last Updated on October 14, 2019

Here Are 10 Ways You Can Improve Your Garden Soil© Miracle-Gro

Let’s face it! Building a new garden is not a difficult thing to do! In fact, all you need is to make sure that you have a shovel or a garden tiller and then you can start digging up dirt and putting a few plants! However, the success of your garden requires a solid foundation.

This means that in order to have a beautiful garden, you should keep your soil healthy. Still, it’s good to note that a nutrient dense soil takes time and effort and here are the top 10 tips that should help you make your garden soil the best it can be!

#1 – Add Mulch

Add Mulch

© LaytonScape

Mulch has many benefits and can help improve the quality of your garden soil. Therefore, adding it to your garden soil is a wise and a smart practice. In fact, Mulch can help your soil retain moisture, discourages weeds, and prevents compaction.

Moreover, the good thing about this material is that it breaks down in the long run benefiting your soil with important nutrients. So, whether, you choose to mulch with leaves, wood chips, or any other organic material, you cannot go wrong as the effort will make your garden healthy throughout the growing season.

#2 – Plant Some Cover Crops

Plant Some Cover Crops

© Hobby Farms

Cover crops can help you grow a better and healthier garden soil. Hence, don’t hesitate to plant them in your garden when the peak growing season ends in late summer.

The reason why you really need to plant Cover crops such as annual ryegrass, buckwheat, legumes and alfalfa in your garden is that when they grow throughout the winter and fall season, they provide your soil with many important nutrients that work on reducing soil compaction and improving drainage.

Make sure you mow them before they reach the seeds and then turn your garden soil over before planting again.

#3 – Compost


© Grow Organic

There is a reason why all gardeners swear by composting. The latter organic material is considered to be a boon for the soil’s health and quality. To develop your own composting program, you should very simply collect your kitchen and yard waste, put it in an enclosed container, and then turn it regularly.

keep it in that container for a period of 6 months to 1 year and then start to gradually add it to your soil as you plant. For an extra boost of nutrients, don’t hesitate to use compost to top dress plants.

#4 – Add Some Organic Materials

Add Some Organic Materials

© Bob Vila

Any organic material you add to your garden soil whether it is compost, fish emulsion, manure, or bone meal is actually a healthy addition that will enrich your soil and make it a fertile base for all your landscaping flowers, vegetables, and plants.

#5 – Avoid Landscaping Fabric

Avoid Landscaping Fabric

© Zacs Garden

Normally, landscaping fabrics are mostly used to prevent weeds, but what the majority of people ignore is that landscaping fabric can lead to soil compaction. In addition, the use of the landscaping fabric can make beneficial critters leave your garden.


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