This Is How You Can Survive A Falling Elevator


Have you ever experienced the feeling of getting stuck in a falling elevator? if no, then, let us tell you that it’s the worst thing in the world that can ever happen to you! It is a total nightmare and a terrible incident that can end your life in no time!

It’s true that this scenario is very unlikely to happen but what would you do if you found yourself in such a situation? It’s quite a challenging question as you would never want to imagine yourself in such a horrifying situation But it’s good to keep in mind that accidents can happen and the best way to remain safe is to know how to properly act!

Here are some very useful tips and recommendations of scientists and engineers that can help you get out of a falling elevator alive!

Slide through the next pages to read on!



No matter what happens don’t try to jump at the moment of impact

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Many people in such a horrific situation try to jump thinking that by doing this, they would reduce the speed of the fall, which is definitely not true. In fact, jumping on a falling elevator is not as easy as it might seem. So, you’d better avoid doing it!

In addition, the jump will reduce the speed of your fall by exactly the same amount that it’s actually occurring. Also, while jumping you cannot predict in which part of your body you will land on. Hence, you might end up with serious and dangerous fractures and injuries.



Never Stand Up Straight


If you find yourself stuck in such a situation, try not to freak out! We are fully aware that it’s hard to keep calm and control your nerves but also freaking out won’t do you any favor. So, the best thing to do is to lay down on the floor and try to take a deep breath.


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