Here Are The 10 Tricks That Will Keep Your Car Clean

Last Updated on March 15, 2019

Silica gel

© ebay

If your car tends to be a little too damp, then try to find all the silica gel pockets from the old shoe boxes, store them in a jar, and then put them near the windshield. Or, you can just tape them creatively to the vehicle’s dashboard.

The silica gel’s desiccants can eliminate the foggy windshield and absorb all the water from the air, which could be a real life savior in the winter. Plus, they can make a great addition to your car since they look cute!

A storage system

© aliexpress

One of the best things to have at your car is the back seat organizers. They can protect your car from being a total mess while making your vehicle look adorable.

You can buy an organizer from any online store or you can just create your own using a sewing machine, fabric, and your wild imagination. Make sure to create separate pockets for your tablet or smartphone to help your kids stay busy and calm during long trips. At least you will know that your electronics are not going to be lost or ruined in there.

Create a phone holder

© Pinterest

If you are alone driving and you need to use the GPS on your phone to get to your destination, you basically would need other invisible hands to hold your phone. The best thing is to create your own phone holder so you will not put yourself at any risk.

Through the top of your car’s air vent, thread a rubber band and then again from the bottom, you can pull it out. Snap both ends around your iPhone/Android, and then enjoy the ride. Don’t let it distract you from keeping your eyes on the road, though!

Olive oil

© 5funfacts

Yes, olive oil can help your car be as clean as you need it to be, especially if it is made of leather. Basically, the oil is a natural treatment for any leather items, like doors, seats, and dashboard.

However, don’t apply it directly because it may lead to permanent stains. Instead, you can use a little of the olive oil in a clean cloth and then wipe the surface gently. You will be stunned at how clean and shiny the inside of your car would be. As for the smell, you can fresh it with your favorite perfume or an air freshener.


© Frugal Homemaking

This hack is specifically for people with kids who enjoy taking their crayons everywhere. Basically, the seats of your car would all be stained with crayons that have been forgotten there and got melted by the hot weather.

Cleaning off crayon stains might be hard, but not impossible. Just put a piece of paper over the mess, iron it, and then pick it up when it gets hot. You will notice that the wax will somehow get stuck to the paper, leaving the seats cleaner than before.


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