How To Heal And Remove All Types Of Scars

Last Updated on March 29, 2019

Speaking of massage, this is one of the greatest ways to help your scarred skin heal quicker.

Simply, apply lotion to the area and massage it. If you do it a few times during the day for 30 seconds, then the dense bands of collagen will start breaking down and leading to a healed skin. Massages can help with surgical scars like cesarean scars, and keloid scars.



The main rule of helping your scarred skin is to never expose it to aggressive ultraviolet rays.

The latter will slow the healing process and lead your cells to produce pigment, which causes discoloration and dark spots. So make sure to always use your sunscreen with an SPF 15 or higher.

Onion extract


Onions are known with their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties, which is why the extract-based topical gels can soften the scarred tissue significantly and without any side effects.

So if you have hypertrophic or burn scars, start using the onion extract gel during the postsurgical period, three times a day!

Honey + apple cider vinegar

©RTV Islam

Apple cider vinegar is known with its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. It is widely used as an astringent and natural disinfectant. The mixture of raw honey and apple cider vinegar is best for acne scars.

However, it will not help remove the old acne scars, but it will surely decrease their appearance to the point they won’t be noticeable. Apply it and then rinse after ten minutes.

Coconut and olive oil


The natural plant oils have endless therapeutic effects. For instance, coconut oil contains caprylic, lauric, and capric acids that can help to cure the damaged skin by triggering the collagen production.

However, olive oil contains a large amount of vital vitamins that can help with the acne scars’ healing process while keeping your skin nourished and hydrated.
Simply, massage the affected area with coconut or olive oil a few times a day for 10 minutes until you start seeing a result.

Vitamin C


Most of us know that vitamin E is the one that can help with the scars, but it is actually vitamin C. It improves their appearance gradually by boosting the synthesis of collagen, which what our skin needs.

It also reduces redness, improves skin elasticity, and promotes wound healing. Vitamin C works best for surgical and acne scars. Doctors suggest taking it both internal (through foods and drinks) and topical with cream use.


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