The 10 best Bathroom Cleaning Hacks You Need To Try

Last Updated on April 2, 2019

This cleaning hack is one of the best smelling ones and can help you relax. Essential oils can be quite effective and good for home aromatherapy. They have quite healthy properties and soothe the senses and the mind. They’re also great to use to clean your bathroom floor.

Pour a few drops in the water you are about to clean your bathroom floor. It will make your bathroom smell good, act as a disinfectant and make cleaning much more relaxing.

Baking soda for the tub, sink, and toilet


If your tub, sink and toilet have “hard to get rid of” spots – you are in need of some baking soda. This is one magic ingredient for a lot of cleaning hacks, including this one. And a natural bathroom cleaner.

Sprinkle some water on the all three and then top it off with some baking soda. Scrub and see how the spots disappear. Baking soda is one of your bath’s best friend.

Vinegar and water for your mirror


This cleaning hack is money saving one. With a simple cheap ingredient, you have yourself another natural bathroom cleaner that’s also effective. Your mirror doesn’t need a lot of hard product on it. And vinegar is a disinfectant anyway.

Just pour in a spray bottle ¾ water and ¼ vinegar. Spray on your mirror and wipe away. You’ll be happy to see that all the smudges, toothpaste spots, and any other dirt will be completely gone.

Lemon for your toothbrush holder


Your toothbrush holder gets dirty too. Though not as much as your toilet. Now, lemon is a natural bathroom cleaner with its antimicrobial properties that are just good enough for a nice holder clean.

Since it is also acidic it will help you remove the stains on the holder. Simply cut a lemon in half and use it to thoroughly wipe your toothbrush holder. A quick and simple cleaning hack with a lemon scent.

Vodka for your toilet


Do you really want to kill all the germs on the inside of your toilet? Vodka is your friend. This drink is antimicrobial and if you get one that is over 80% alcohol – you got yourself the best toilet cleaner!

Pour some on the inside of your toilet and scrub with your toilet brush. Leave it for a bit then flush. It’s not only going to get rid of your germs but any spots as well. You can even pour yourself a drink with the rest.

Wet wipes for the lower part of the toilet


The lower part of your toilet bowl, the part that reaches the floor, needs cleaning every now and then as well. It might not need deep disinfectant cleaning but it can’t be ignored.

The easiest way is to grab some antibacterial wet wipes when you are at the supermarket. Take one or two out and simply wipe it clean. It will give you a sense of a much cleaner bathroom, which it will be!

These simple cleaning hacks will make all the difference the next time you clean your bathroom. Simple items such as vinegar, lemon, baking soda, and wet wipes turn into successful bathroom cleaners.


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