10 Brilliant Hacks That Will Help You Sleep Better

Have you ever experienced those feelings when your eyelids have giant weights attached to them and the words in your computer screen start to blur and you wish that you can just close your eyes for a while! Well, if you tend to go through this quite often, then, you might not be sleeping well or enough!

In fact, being able to get a good night sleep after a long and a hectic day is one of the greatest blessings and the only way through which you can wake up the next morning stronger, healthier, happier, and ready to start a new day!

Sleep deprivation can greatly and negatively affect the health of your mind and body leaving you suffering from many health issues. To fight your sleeping issues, you should learn how you can improve the quality of your sleep with these simple yet effective hacks!


Choose The Right Sleeping Position

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If you notice that you no longer can enjoy a smooth and good night sleep, then, you might want to take a closer look at your sleeping position! Yes, your sleeping position can affect the quality of your sleep.

• Sleeping on your back is considered one of the best ways to enjoy a good night sleep and fight insomnia. Sleeping in this position means allowing your body to lay down in a neutral position. However, it is still not the best nor the healthiest position!

• A fetal sleeping position is better avoided! The latter can lead you to experience breathing issues as well as painful joints and back in the morning. According to statistics, this fetal sleeping position is more recommended for pregnant women and it might not be that good for other people.

• Sleeping on your stomach is with no doubting the worst choice! People who sleep on their stomach can hardly enjoy a healthy and peaceful sleep. And that’s because both the neck and the back are not kept in their natural position, which may lead you to experience numbness as a result of the great pressure you are putting on your joints and muscles.

Toss Your Old Mattress Away!

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According to experts, sleeping on an old or a low-quality mattress can also affect the quality of your sleep! For instance, if you have been using your mattress for more than 7 years old, take time to check if it can still support your body when you sleep.

Otherwise, you might end up developing serious sleeping issues. Luckily, the market offers a wide range of choices and you should just purchase the mattress that suits your body shape, health, and budget!

DIY ‘’Sleepy Dust’’ recipe

© Butter Believer

If you have never heard of this recipe before, then, you might want to give it a try and see how effective it works! In fact, the ‘sleepy dust’’ recipe is made of cane sugar and sea salt and it’s widely known for its soothing and calming effects.

It is also said to have the ability to manage the person’s adrenaline levels and guarantee a good night sleep. All you are required to do is put a little of this mixture under your tongue and then close your eyes with a smile! Sweet dream.

Practice Evening Journaling

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Those addicted to writing know well how much comfort this practice brings! If your thoughts are running in circles and you find it hard to control them, grab a pen and write them down on paper or on your personal journal. Make sure you do this every single day when you are in bed !

Give yourself 15 minutes to write down all the positive and happy things that took place during the day. This way, you will only focus on the good, positive things and eventually decrease your levels of stress and anxiety, which will in return help you have a good night sleep.

Limit Your Naps During the daytime

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Taking short naps during the daytime may sound very appealing and quite hard to resist, especially when you try to get the sleep you missed the previous night.


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