5 Unusual Uses Of Hand Lotion You’ll Be Shocked By!

Last Updated on December 11, 2019

If you run out of shaving cream and need to do a quick shave, hand lotion is here to the rescue, again!

Rub the hand lotion on your legs to moisturize them properly and create a barrier between your skin and the razor blade, genty shave up your legs. You may also apply hand lotion to your legs after shaving to achieve an even more perfect result.

You’ll notice just how soft, smooth, and razor burn-free your legs will feel and look!

#4 – Removing static electricity

©Mental Floss

We all know how annoying it is when static clings to our clothes and skin.

If you’re not sure what static is, it’s when two fabrics like cotton and polyester rub against each other and give your skin small electric shocks upon contact, owing to static electricity.

There are static sprays for that problem, but in case you don’t have any on you, use hand cream by applying a little to your hands and rubbing them over the surface of your clothing and on your skin to reduce the static cling.

#5 – Making suction cups stick better


Hanging your items only to watch them fall is a struggle that many of us want to end!

It turns out that hand cream is a great solution to this problem. All you have to do is rinse the suction cups with hot water, apply a layer of hand lotion to the surface, use it to remove anything that is still sticking to them like price ticket, etc., and press the cups to your desired surface!

The hand lotion will prevent the formation of air pockets and keep suction cups from coming off. Guess who will no longer be woken from sleep because of falling kitchen tools!

Running out of anything from static spray to shaving cream, hair gel, or shoe polish should no longer be an issue as long as you have hand cream!


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