8 Surprising Alternative Uses For Hand Sanitizer

Last Updated on April 25, 2020

5. Remove nail polish

Are you out of acetone, and you want to remove your nail polish right now? Don’t worry, as long as you have a bottle of hand sanitizer, you don’t have to go to the supermarket. Apply hand gel directly over your nails and wait a couple of minutes. Afterward, grab a cotton pad and scrub them until they are perfectly clean. It shouldn’t take you much time.

6. Remove a bandaid painlessly

Do you need to take a deep breath and clench your fist every time you have to remove a bandaid? Come on, it doesn’t hurt that much. But anyway, here’s a great tip that can help you survive such an arduous task: rub hand sanitizer over the sticky ends of the bandaid. It will slowly release the adhesive. After a few seconds, you can remove the strip free of pain. As you can see, hand sanitizer is extremely useful in removing a lot of things. Not only germs and microorganisms!

7. Reduce skin inflammation

Pimples cause inflammation of the skin around it due to the presence of bacteria. Applying hand sanitizer over this area will reduce the inflammation almost immediately as the liquid eliminates bacteria. This technique can also reduce skin inflammation caused by ingrown hairs and bug bites.

8. Shampoo

On those days when you don’t have time to take care of your hair before you leave home, hand sanitizer can be a great product to give your hair a fresh and healthy look. Pour a tiny amount of hand sanitizer onto your fingertips and massage your hair gently. It will provide the same effect as a dry shampoo. This has to be one of the most unexpected uses for hand sanitizer in this list, right?

9. Clean eyeglasses

You don’t need a specific eyeglass cleaning spray to clean grime, grease, and fingerprints off your eyeglasses and sunglasses. Hand sanitizer will do an amazing job, and it probably costs even less. _ After discussing all these “second uses” for hand sanitizer, it is important to mention the things you can properly disinfect around your house with this product. The kitchen counter, doorknobs, bathroom faucets, toilet seats, and light switches are the surfaces that contain the most amount of bacteria per square inch. A hand sanitizer can also be used to disinfect your electronic devices. Remote controls, computers, computer keyboard and mouse, headphones, and smartphones (including your phone case), for example, are jam-packed with dangerous microorganisms. Which is normal, considering you spend the day with your dirty hands all over these items. You need to be very careful while disinfecting your phone screen with hand sanitizer. It is a very harsh product and could wear out the protective coating on your phone screen that makes it water and oil resistant. Not only that, but it would also make it more vulnerable to scratches. Use it at your own risk.


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