Top 7 Home Remedies You Can Do to Fight Body Odor


Last Updated on September 24, 2020

5. Baking Soda – A Natural Deodorant!

Baking soda is a fantastic product that can be used to clean and disinfect materials and environments. And in the case of eliminating body odors, this is no exception. It can be used as a natural deodorant because its natural properties can absorb and neutralize any odor. In this sense, you should mix a cup of baking soda with about 50 mg of corn starch before spraying on the skin. You can also add a small amount of coconut oil (20 mg) to these ingredients to obtain a liquid deodorant. Note that baking soda should not be placed directly on the skin, as this can cause inflammation or skin irritation.

6. Use and Abuse a Good Alcohol Odor Neutralizer

What causes body odor? Poor hygiene is one of the most important, but that is not necessarily why people have unpleasant smells. There are many other equally important reasons, such as physical exercise, clothes and footwear used, medication you may be taking, day-to-day concerns, anxiety, and work stress, among other practical examples. This means that no one is free from bad body odors, not even the world’s cleanest person. That way, you should always have a good alcohol odor neutralizer on hand. And in that respect, isopropyl alcohol can be your best friend. The properties found in isopropyl alcohol effectively kill the bacteria on the skin and help to eliminate odors. So use and abuse this cleaning solution.

7. The Power of Garlic in the Diet!

It’s not just vampires that can’t stand the unpleasant smell of garlic because there are also a lot of people who run away and avoid consuming this food. However, most people are unaware that that garlic is extremely beneficial for human health. Its antibacterial properties help to protect heart health, keep the brain healthy, prevent the appearance of respiratory diseases, and fight body odors, among many other advantages. Therefore, it is essential that you add greater amounts of garlic to your Diet. A good way to achieve this is to regularly drink garlic tea – the best tea for body odor. It’s very easy to do. Just add 3 peeled garlic cloves in a container with 20 mg of water. Please bring it to a boil and then strain the mixture into a bottle and drink it throughout the day. The results will be extraordinary and immediate. These are the seven home remedies you can do to fight body odor that will completely transform your way of being. You will feel more confident, fresh, and clean, and you will have no problem being with other people, regardless of the greater or lesser embarrassment or stress you may face.


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