Last Updated on December 6, 2020

6. Properly Disinfect the Toilet Brush

The toilet brush is the object that most germs and bacteria have in a bathroom, and as such, it is mandatory to be properly sanitized. There are several cleaning products that you can use to do this but do not use the bleach if you have pets, as this product impairs the smell of four-legged friends, among other problems. Opt for the use of natural cleaning solutions based on lemon or apple cider vinegar.

7. Pay Attention to the Condition of Your Hairbrushes

Hairbrushes also need to be cleaned and disinfected quite regularly, as they contain hundreds of germs and impurities from your hair strands. Naturally, this happens because the hair acts as a natural barrier for all microorganisms invisible in the atmosphere. Therefore, you should wash your hairbrush every two weeks to remove all broken hair and get rid of all germs and impurities that may be stored there.

8. Do You Like Doing Yoga or Pilates? Then Clean Your Yoga Mat Regularly!

If you like yoga, Pilates, or another physical exercise on the floor of your home, for example, you must clean your yoga mat regularly. Naturally, he becomes sweaty after a more intense or demanding workout. Therefore, to prevent it from becoming full of germs or bacteria, you must clean it at the end of each use.

9. Take Care and Clean the Silver Jewelry You Have At Home

Are your silver jewelry dirty and stained? No problem, as there is a special cleaning procedure that allows you to recover your silver jewelry’s original shine and glory. To achieve this, you must place your silver accessories on a tray lined with aluminum foil. Then, add a spoon of salt and two tablespoons of soda. Finally, cover everything with boiling water and let it stand for 12 hours. This will make the stains and dirt on your silver jewelry disappear completely, making you regain your original jewelry’s shine.

10. Clean the Computer Keyboard? Yes, Always!

One of the places where there is a higher concentration of germs and bacteria is on a computer keyboard. If you look into the space between your keys, you will likely find some stain to prove it. Therefore, you must clean the keyboard on your computer. How to clean a laptop keyboard? It’s very simple: make a kind of slime for cleaning to be as effective as possible. You must mix 1 cup of hot water with borax in a bowl; and ½ cup of hot water with cola in another bowl. Combine the two until a consistent dough forms, and then swipe over your computer keyboard. These are the 10 amazing cleaning hacks to say goodbye to germs that you should know and apply when cleaning and disinfecting your home. Only then will it be wonderfully clean and free from germs or impurities, providing a unique feeling of protection and well-being in all its inhabitants. Don’t Forget: Your home is your stronghold, and, as such, you need to defend and protect it from any threat or enemy. So, eliminate all germs in the house before forcing you and your family out of there.


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