Last Updated on April 20, 2021

While this is not the quickest way to remove the gum from hair, but it’s still better than cutting your hair off! Don’t you think!

3. Kill Pests In Your Garden

Do you have pests in your garden and don’t know how to get rid of them for good? No worries, I’ve got you covered! Coca-cola can be super effective when it comes to pest control. It’s actually the safest way to protect your garden from pests without having to use toxic chemicals. How can you do it? You just need to pour coca-cola into small bowls or saucers and put them in different places. The drink’s smell will attract red ants, the pests’ worst enemies, while the acidity of the drink will simply kill them.

4. Sooth Painful Insect Bites

It’s almost the summer season! We all struggle with mosquitoes and other insects. Even worse, we also have to deal with their bites and the painful, burning sensation they leave behind. Itchy, painful, and irritated mosquito bite? No worries, you can easily get rid of that and finally enjoy a good night’s sleep or a good cup of coffee in your garden. So every time you have uncomfortable bite marks left by an insect, you can just grab a cotton pad, soak it in coca-cola and then just apply it to the affected area. Coca-cola can have an anesthetic effect and significantly reduce the burning and itchy sensation.

5. Clean Your Toilet

Your toilet looks disgusting and needs to make it sparkly and brand new? You got it! Coca-cola can help dissolve limescale and other impurities in a couple of minutes. Grab a sprayer, pour coca-cola in it, then spray your toilet. Leave for some time, and for better results, you’d better leave overnight. Then wash the next day! You will be really impressed and mind blown. So have you enjoyed these uses for coca-cola? Do you know any others? Please don’t hesitate to share in the comment below!


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