7 Things You Should Never Throw in the Trash

Last Updated on September 14, 2020

Fluorescent light bulbs are very different from incandescent light bulbs. The latter is made of non-toxic products so you can throw them away with your regular trash. The former contains mercury, a toxic metal that can damage the environment.

For this reason, fluorescent light bulbs need to be properly recycled. Home renovation stores might be your best option since many of them have huge bins where you can deposit your old CFL (compact fluorescent) light bulbs – be careful not to break them during transportation!

5. Thermometers

Some thermometers (and thermostats) also contain mercury. Although efforts are being made to remove these specific thermometers from the market and replace them with digital thermometers, many people still have them.

If that is your case, be careful when it comes time to get rid of it. Contact your local recycling coordinator to take your old mercury thermometer to the right place.

6. Paint

After a DIY home renovation project, it is normal to have some extra paint left. You can save it for another project; you can sell it online or give it away to a friend, neighbor, or a non-profit organization – animal shelters and theater groups, for example, will certainly be very grateful.

With so many options, why would you throw it away and damage the environment? Paints like primers, coating, and oil-based paints are highly toxic!

7. Garden chemicals

For many people, gardening is a therapeutic activity that helps them keep stress levels under control. It can also be physically demanding, which ends up making it an extremely healthy occupation for both the mind and body.

One of its main problems is precisely the fact that it generates toxic waste. Herbicides, fertilizers, and pesticides are dangerous and can contaminate soil and water if thrown away without due care.

You also need to be careful when handling these chemicals because they can cause allergic reactions (like skin irritation, for example). But you probably already know that.

Take all your garden chemicals to a Household Hazardous Waste facility to be safely disposed of. Alternatively, you can also give it away to a neighbor who uses those types of products frequently.

It’s important to mention that if you throw any of the aforementioned things in the trash, you’re not just polluting the environment and damaging the ecosystem.

You are also breaking the law. In most developed countries, there are specific laws concerning waste disposal, and the fines for those who break them can be quite heavy.


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