8 Home Remedies For Razor Burns That Actually Work

Last Updated on March 10, 2020

4. Glycolic acid

This acid works by removing the old cells from the skin’s surface, and that is why it is super-efficient when treating razor burns. Razor bumps occur when an excess of skin cells is clogging the pores and trapping the hair inside.

Glycolic acid will allow the hair to come to the surface by getting those cells out of the way. As an extra, this will make your skin look smoother, and the good part is that you can find glycolic acid online.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is good for so many different household hacks, but what you probably didn’t know is that thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties you can use it to soothe your irritated skin.

Do not apply it directly to the razor burn, though – mix equal parts of water and vinegar, and then apply it to the burn using a cotton ball. Let it air dry, and repeat as many times as you need.

6. Tea bags

You have hundreds of teas for all kinds of health conditions, and for all tastes, but what you probably didn’t know is that you can use this ancient drink to soothe a razor burn. So, how do you treat razor bumps with tea?

All you need to do is wet tea bag and proceed to press it against the affected area. The tannic acid present in tea has the power to reduce inflammation, swelling, and redness. We recommend you do that with white or green tea, preferably.

7. Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is an amazing moisturizer that can do wonders for people with dry skin, but when you are faced with a nasty razor burn, you can use cocoa butter to soothe the burning sensation it causes. Let the cocoa butter sit on the affected area for a few minutes, and repeat this process once or twice a day to speed up the healing process,

8. Cold and warm compresses

Compresses are great for pain relief as they soothe certain kinds of irritation. If you happen to have a shaving accident and end up with a razor burn, you can use a cold compress to ease the irritation on your skin.

If the razor burn ended up clogging your burns and you have ingrown hairs, you can use a hot compress and apply it to your skin before you start shaving – the heat will open up the pores, which will help loosen the hairs.


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