Last Updated on December 4, 2020

6. Turn Greeting Card into Placemats

You probably have a drawer filled with old postcards and greeting cards, and you don’t want to throw them away, but you also don’t want to keep them because they are taking up too much space. Well, the motto of the century is living with less and repurpose what we already have, so you can simply cut the greeting cards and use them as coasters or placements – your table will look cheerful and unique and the planet will thank you.

7. Remove with the blow dryer

Sometimes you will light a candle, and sometimes that candle will melt and fall on a piece of furniture – and how do you take it out? With a towel and a blow dryer (and a bit of patience). Use a soft cloth to place over the wax drip, and then run the blow drier over the spot, on high heat. The wax will melt into the towel, and then all you need to do is wipe the surface, and it will be good as new.

8. Bobby pins

Are you sharing your home with someone who has that annoying habit of squeezing the toothbrush from the middle? Or are you that person? Well, bobby pins can help you make the best use of your toothpaste – simply place a bobby pin at the end of the toothpaste tube, and then slide it up as you use it; this way, you will be able to squeeze every last drop of the toothpaste, and it will surely make it last longer.

9. Salty Shoe Deodorizer

If you don’t know how to remove odor from shoes, table salt is the solution to your problem. Because it has sodium chloride crystals, it will help you fight bacteria, as well as the odors that bacteria create. You simply need to sprinkle a bit of salt inside your shoes and let it sit overnight; then, shake the salt out and you will see that they don’t feel stinky anymore.

10. Rubber Band Paint Tool

If you are involved in any sort of painting project, rubber bands can help you stop the annoying drips. Pick up a large rubber band and stretch it all around the paint can so that the rubber band is stretched at the length of the can. Then, when you dip your paintbrush in the can, you can scrape it on the rubber band in order to remove any excess paint, therefore, preventing any messy drippings.


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