8 Items You Should Never Ever Flush Down The Toilet


Last Updated on October 6, 2020



#5 – Diapers


© TechCrunch

The diapers that come with flushable inserts are never meant to be disposed of within the toilet unless you want to deal with a flooded bathroom and a dirty apartment. After all, diapers have to be thrown away in the trash to avoid many other issues than a messed up flooded bathroom.



#6 – Cotton swabs


© Cosmopolitan

The cotton swabs are tiny, so we all think that they could easily pass through the drains. But never underestimate their small sizes because they have the power of being lodged in the easiest way there is.

So next time you are done using them, toss them in the trash.



#7 – Kitty litter


© PetMD

Scooping the kitty poop into the toilet seems like the logical thing to do, but it is not. The cat feces are extremely bad for the environment and the drains because once they are mixed with water, they expand and become impossible to move through plumbing. Moreover, the feces are known to spread very bad bacteria in rivers and oceans.



#8 – Hair


© NetDoctor

For the same reason you take your hair off your shower drain, you should never let it be flushed down the toilet because it will cause many clogs. In general, your hair should be thrown only in the trash for obvious reasons.