Last Updated on December 8, 2020

5. Off to cleaning bathroom fixtures

Bathroom fixtures need some maintenance to be preserved, but they might still get rusty even with all the care in the world. Even though getting rid of rust seems like a tough job, it doesn’t have to be. You can sprinkle a fair amount of salt over the rusty area and then squeeze a lemon on top of it. The lemon juice will start a chemical reaction that will dissolve the rust. The salt will then absorb the remaining rust stain. Leave the mix overnight and then rinse it off the next day.

6. Let’s not forget the ceiling

Everyone knows how to clean a bathroom floor, but do you ever take some time to clean the ceiling? Yeah, that’s what we thought. Well, cleaning your ceiling will be just as time-consuming as cleaning your floor, which means you will be done in a jiffy. Mix vinegar and warm water, then mop the ceiling using this mixture. Don’t forget to protect your eyes while doing this work.

7. And last but not least, the shower curtains

Not cleaning your shower curtains is a rookie mistake that can lead to an unpleasant “moldy” situation. To prevent this, don’t forget your shower curtains during your cleaning routine. Add 500 mil of all-purpose bleach to a spray bottle and add two tablespoons of dishwashing liquid. Spray this simple solution all over your curtains and allow it to sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Then, rinse it off and let your curtains to dry. We can promise you they will look brand new!


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