Last Updated on November 28, 2020

3. Blink, Don’t Rub

Considering the annoying (and sometimes even desperate) sensation caused by an object that gets stuck in the eye, your first reaction may be to rub the eye in an attempt to get rid of it. Please don’t do it. This movement is extremely aggressive and can cause further damage to your eye. Instead, try to slowly blink several times. In the vast majority of the cases, this natural movement, together with the tears produced as a defense mechanism, is enough to cause the object to come loose and eventually be flushed out. This is the safest way to remove an eyelash from your eyes.

4. Use A Cotton Swab

If the particle is stuck in your eyelid’s inner part, the easiest and safest way to remove it is using a damp cotton swab. Try to hold your eyelid with one finger so that you can see the piece of debris and gently roll the cotton swab over it. If everything goes according to plan, the particle should stick to the swab.

5. Eye Rinse

If none of the previous options succeed, you can try one more thing: submerging your eyes in clean water. Here’s how to wash your eyes safely: • Using an eyecup: this is a small cup with a curved rim specifically designed to apply liquid remedies to the eyes. You can find it available in any pharmacy or drugstore. Fill the cup halfway with plain, lukewarm water (or eyewash if you have any) and place the cup over your eye with your head bowed down. Apply moderate pressure to prevent the water from leaking and tilt your head back. Move your eye in slow circular motions to allow the liquid to reach every part of it. Don’t forget to wash it carefully before using it – that should go without saying! • Using a bowl of water: fill a large bowl with lukewarm water, submerge your head in it, open your eyes underwater, and do those circular motions we already mentioned. Alternatively, you can also use the bathroom sink. Regardless of which option you choose, make sure you wash it in advance. • Using the shower or the tap: if you are brave enough, you can put your eyes under running water with your head tilted one side. It works. Just be careful with the water pressure.

6. Seek Medical Attention Immediately

In some cases, the wisest thing is to seek medical help immediately. Here are some of those situations:

  • The stuck object struck your eyes at a very high speed and caused severe pain.
  • The stuck object is sharp (shard of glass, tiny metal piece, etc.).
  • The stuck object is a toxic chemical – in this case, use one of the methods listed above to flush the eye with water for about 20 minutes (preferably the one that uses running water).
  • You have severe pain or abnormal vision even though you have removed the object carefully. Being treated quickly by a health professional can be the difference between continuing to have healthy eyes or permanent damage.


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